At Wal Mart, they began looking for the required items: Black Leotard and Pink tights. Carla had been told they were at Wal Mart. They were, just in large kid sizes. Nothing even close to what Leiya needed.
So then it was off to the shoe store to get the Pink Leather Slippers Leiya needed.
Now it was off to Target, surely they had the Leotard and, no they didn't...back to Wal Mart to see if they could make something work....
At Wal Mart, nothing seemed to work....the Leotards there were way to big and there was nothing Carla could do to make them work....well, back again to Target in a last ditch effort to find something....
A with pink.....cute, but not what the class required.....Luckily, a friend had an old Leotard Leiya ended up using...what an adventure they had...thanks Gianna!!!!
With the clothing adventure out of the way, it's down to business....getting ready to do Ballet!
Getting instructionas on how to do more ballet stuff